
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The Apostle Paul asks:
“How will they be saved unless they believe, how will they believe unless they hear, how will they hear unless    someone tells them, how will someone tell them unless someone is sent?”
   ROMANS 10:13-15

God sent his only Son into our dark and sinful world to seek and save what was lost. Jesus saved us, and now, we are called to be ambassadors of redemption—going into hard, dark places to bring his good news.

EBC Missions

Emmanuel Baptist Church is a church that believes in actively reaching people in the Lewis Clark Valley and the surrounding communities with the love of Jesus through compassion efforts, training church leaders and multiplying churches.
Emmanuel Baptist Church believes in actively reaching the world with the love of Jesus through compassion efforts, training church leaders and multiplying churches.

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If you are interested in volunteering with one of our local partners, click the link below find a local partner you would like more information on and click the link.

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