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Looking for Ways to Care

Mar 30, 2025

Looking for Ways to Care

In Mark 6:30–44, Jesus and His disciples are worn out but still choose to care for a massive crowd in need. Even though they have only five loaves and two fish, Jesus blesses their small offering and miraculously multiplies it, providing enough for everyone—with leftovers to spare!

This story reminds us that true compassion means pausing our busy lives to notice and respond to those around us. When we offer even the little we have—time, resources, or a listening ear—God can use it in powerful ways. As part of our “Next Door—Sharing Christ with Your Neighbor” focus, we’re challenged to care for those in our neighborhoods and workplaces. Small acts of kindness and faith can be multiplied by God to make a big impact. Let’s trust Him to turn our limited efforts into blessings that open doors to share Christ’s love.