Student Ministries
Church Upcoming Events
Golden Gems 55+ - Medicare Discussion, by Janine Wilson, Volunteer Services Coordinator, Idaho Dept. of Insurance. Wednesday, February 12th 10:30 am in the Sanctuary. Details and sign up are at the small table in the foyer. Any questions talk with Gordon O’Malley. If you are interested please sign up for the discussion and for bringing a side dish or dessert for lunch. Lasagne will be provided.
Craft Day – Saturday, February 22 from 9am – 3pm Bring your own lunch and your own crafting material that you are working on and join others and spend time together in laughter, and getting to know others. If you need a project (making pillowcases for RFKC) talk with Bonnie Schacher. Childcare will not be provided. This is for adults and teens (13 or older).
Food Pantry is now open - Food Pantry hours – Sundays, after service – 2pm, Mondays, 11 am – 1pm and Thursdays, 5:30 pm – 7 pm. This ministry is focused on those who are at risk in our community.
Youth Takeover Sunday February 16th during church. Soup feed and Pie auction following service.
Craft Day – Saturday, February 22 from 9am – 3pm Bring your own lunch and your own crafting material that you are working on and join others and spend time together in laughter, and getting to know others. If you need a project (making pillowcases for RFKC) talk with Bonnie Schacher. Childcare will not be provided. This is for adults and teens (13 or older).
Food Pantry is now open - Food Pantry hours – Sundays, after service – 2pm, Mondays, 11 am – 1pm and Thursdays, 5:30 pm – 7 pm. This ministry is focused on those who are at risk in our community.
Youth Takeover Sunday February 16th during church. Soup feed and Pie auction following service.