EBC Kids - Early Childhood

Preschool & Kindergarten
EBC Kids Preschool / Kindergarten ministry is for children ages three years old through kindergarten. Our curriculum is designed to teach children three basic truths: God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Our lessons include engaging games and activities, as well as an interactive Bible stories, worship and small group time.
Times & Location
EBC Kids Preschool Ministry classes are available during the 10:00 AM weekend gathering and is located in the main church building. Drop off and registration is in the basement of the fellowship hall. Pick up is upstairs in the Preschool classes next to the sanctuary.
1st & 2nd Grade
EBC Kids 1st & 2nd Grade Ministry: Our curriculum is designed to bring the Bible to life! This exciting curriculum contains lessons that cover the entire Bible in three years, providing a powerful overview of God’s Word. Our lessons include engaging games and activities, as well as an interactive Bible story, With our curriculum, teachers and students of all ages enjoy diving into rich content, memorizing scripture, and learning how to apply the Bible to their daily lives.
Times & Location
EBC Kids 1st & 2nd Grade Ministries are available during the 10:00 AM weekend gathering and is located in the basement of the church in the fellowship hall. Registration / Drop-off and pick-up are in the same location.
Safety & Security

All Team Members in EBC Kids’ Ministry are required to fill out an application and go through a background screening prior to serving. All children are registered and checked in on a tablet in the church basement (fellowship hall). All important health information is provided to their teacher and other team members serving where your child's class is.
Children's Ministry Team Members
EBC Kids’ Ministry could not exist without the leadership and expertise of significant adults who partner with us to guide and mentor children. EBC Kids’ Ministry has opportunities for people with all different gifts.
Our greatest need is for adults to invest in a small group of kids during one of our gatherings. Our weekend ministry is relationally fueled, so we ask our adult leaders to commit to come each week and shepherd the same small group of kids.
We also need registration/check-in helpers, large group teachers and worship leaders. There is literally a place for everyone to serve in EBC Kids’ Ministry in one capacity or another. Join us, and make an eternal impact in the lives of kids in our church.
To learn how you can impact the lives of children Click the link below.
Our greatest need is for adults to invest in a small group of kids during one of our gatherings. Our weekend ministry is relationally fueled, so we ask our adult leaders to commit to come each week and shepherd the same small group of kids.
We also need registration/check-in helpers, large group teachers and worship leaders. There is literally a place for everyone to serve in EBC Kids’ Ministry in one capacity or another. Join us, and make an eternal impact in the lives of kids in our church.
To learn how you can impact the lives of children Click the link below.